al fresco
Walking in Lygon St with DD Wu (whose parents were among the denounced classes in the Cultural Revolution) and just enjoying the sights and smells of lunch world in the spring. Listening to DD who I haven't seen in 15 years. DD is talking about her book and and I am wondering how to get to a more personal conversation - DD is well, hot. And uncommitted. Anyway, there I am in some sort of feeling good place where existentialism doesn't get a gurnsey. Crunch. A froggy phone tone and a breathy voice. "Oh Hi Where are you I am in Lygon street and do you remember when I lost my gold ring" I don't dare turn round, she hasn't stopped talking since she answered the phone, maybe she is able to talk and listen at the same time. But no "It was spooky, I found it, you remember the jeans that I wearing the
the tight ones with the embroidery well it was really spooky I found the ring I didn't wear those jeans for a long time because they made my bum look big" I don't look round, think about how much more interesting DD is - she is now telling me how her dissertation involves a description of how the Peoples Republic is using antiquities to establish a cultural position in the world. This is interesting, I ask if she means as a communist state or a revamped Middle Kingdom. The Middle Kingdom: DD knows but is not completely accepting of my proposition and it seems she values my company enough to be kind. DD is a thoroughly modern chinese person from Shanghi and is a big believer in the 'economy'. Crunch "...spooky.." and I am lost in the crap going on behind me. Talk about an mosquito sized attention span, I just keep getting diverted from the important and intersting stuff. But no, it is the zombies day out and I am morbidly interested. "... did I tell you where I found it, when my diet worked I was going to wear those jeans again because I was going to a BBQ on the Yarra with Brad but they were dirty and I had to wash them and the ring was in the pocket. Spooky. I don't remember putting it there and it was really spooky" I was losing count of the spookies and DD dragged me into Universitas where she asked me if this was ok and if italian was OK with that look that says that you have been sprung not paying attention and I asked you twice. Woops. Didn't take my eyes or ears off her for the rest of lunch and made a good recovery. We shall see.
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