Monday, November 06, 2006

follies of age

I must have had a body language bypass at some stage in the last few years. I am sure, in hindsight, that I am missing a lot of non-verbal invitations. And these are from women who seem to be interested in my company. mmmm - I guess I have been a bit dumb this way all my life. But for some reason I am more aware of the importance of relationships as I get older. I have always had a tendancy to isolate myself, to avoid truely intimate relationships. This is not the same thing as being unwilling to commit. Anyway I find myself in a strange headspace where questions like "should I get a dog or a tenant?" become important. I was telling Jane about this the other day and she just looked at me and said something like "why is that a choice?" I could only say that this enabled me to avoid doing either. Maybe I am the great prevaricator. mmmm wll have to change that.
I have recently become a non-smoker and maybe its just that after 40plus years of smoking that I am being affected by subtle withdrawal symptoms.
Until last week I was describing myself as having given up smoking but Mike put me straight. He said "don't set yourself up for failure, don't think of it as quitting, think of it as joining the non smokers. There are times when even a non smoker has a cigarette. Thats not recidivist, its just something that happens very occasionally."
It took me all of 10 seconds to realise the sense of all that. But I tell you that tonight has been bad for my weight.


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