Saturday, October 28, 2006

John Howard - a dangerous man, subverting australian values with economic terrorism

My mum used to say to me "Shut up". This was her code for "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything" This seems to cover any discussion of John Howard's character, morals and friends.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Carbon cycle - greenhouse gas

CO2 (carbon dioxide) levels are rising, have risen 40% plusin the last 200 years. And not much before that, according to ice core samples, well not for a long time, thousands of years.
This increase is due to human activity, most noticably the burning of fossil fuels. Oil, diesel, petrol, LPG, natural gas and coal. What about deforestation, widescale burning of forests and desertification - largely the the result of human activity particularly monocultural agriculture. Yes these are huge problems. No they don't count much in the scheme of things compared with fossil fuel burning. How do I make this judgement? Imagine that 50 years ago you could fix one or the other. Would fixing the waste of renewables affect the greenhouse effect - NO. Would ceasing to use fossil fuels fix the greenhouse effect - Yes. Hang on you say, you couldn't do that, civilisation would fall. We wouldn't have Imperial America and huge cities of disenfranchised people doing nothing productive. Sorry - doesn't follow. Look, if we had no fossil fuels we could use renwables. Solar energy, tidal energy, biofuels. b.b.but, you (mouthpiece for gbig money) squark, wouldn't that put hydrocarbons into the air just the same. Yes, but the same hydrocarbons would be taken out of the air to grow the plants. That is a renewable cycle.


In Australia we are experiencing the worst continental drought on record. The response of the federal government is to advocate nuclear power stations to help reduce the Greenhouse effect.
Sorry guys, won't work to reduce carbon emissions. The whole mining cycle - and the manafacture of all the equipment, the construction of infrastructure in remote areas, the provision of water for the mining tailings dams and everything else just means the total carbon emissions are a disaster compared with say, improving combustion efficiency, improving cycle efficiency with co-generation and sequestration of hydrocarbons in existing power generation plants. Politically it will work a treat enabling the market force drones to say they had an idea that was trashed by the wusses, trendies and selfish people who support renewable energy. Selfish because the big money mates of the govt don't get quite the same profits out of renewables. Don't get to sell as much imported stuff when reuse and recycle are policy rather than patronised. So this is just another spin on doing nothing. There is of course no infrastructure in either manpower or industrial expertise in Australia to support this idea so importing all those things will be good for the balance of profit ...mmmm. Maybe not so good for the national accounts and balance of payments but who cares about that. Looks good in a big company balance sheet.